MT Anthony Team Duals

cropped-cbc2.pngTeam CBC had a great weekend up in Bennington,Vermont wrestling in the Mt. Anthony Team Duals.  The tournament had some of the best youth programs from the Northeast.  Smitty’s Barn, Journeymen, Doughboy, Iowa Style, Catamount & CBC all competing in a dual team tourney.

All wrestlers had a minimum of 4 matches.  Some had the opportunity for extra mat time, wrestling exhibition matches.

It was a great way to start off the new season.  We are back to work on Monday 10/27/14  at CBC Practice.

CBC Youth Wrestling is looking for new students!!

cropped-image1.jpgCBC Youth wrestling is looking for new students for its youth program.  Wrestling classes are held Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00-7:00 pm and Saturday 10:00-12:00.

We are accepting students of all ages & skill levels.

You can register your child at the Raynham Dog Track, 1958 Broadway, Raynham MA.  We are located in the Grandstands, 2nd level.

Monthly fees $125.00 includes all classes.

STCC Youth Tourney 10/19/14

DSC_0098Great day of wrestling out in Springfield yesterday at STCC. CBC Youth was well represented by the following team members:
Kyle H.
Ken H.
Dom C.
Jack F.
Mason P.
William S.
It was the first wrestling tournament for Jack F. and Mason P. They both showed huge improvement in their wrestling skills. Mason wrestled his way to a 2nd place finish. Dom C. Placed 1st and William S. wrestled back to place 3rd in a very competitive bracket.

CBC Youth Wrestling Practice tonight 5:00-7:00 pm @ the Raynham Dog Track